
Wednesday, May 16, 2012

Funnier Than People

     When I first started getting really into writing and drawing comics, way back in junior high, my first two series (that weren't just blatant Calvin and Hobbes or X-Men ripoffs) featured aliens almost exclusively. See, I knew that I wasn't much of an artist, and I figured that if I made all the characters aliens, it would be okay that they were funny looking. They're aliens, after all. Additionally, I could avoid the parts of human anatomy I had trouble with, like noses and ears, by simply avoiding them. 
     Eventually I got to the point where I could draw some recognizable humans, but I still hold a fondness for my nonhuman characters. Maybe I also think there is extra comedic effect in having these aliens and/or monsters doing mundane things and acting like normal "people." There's a bid of absurdness when an alien being makes references to things like Corn Flakes (for example). Obviously, Corn Flakes are a purely human convention, so why would an alien be eating them? Is breakfast cereal one of those universal constants of any civilization, like the need for shelter and the company of others? Or maybe it's the only bit of human culture that survives in the vast stretches of a futuristic interspecies galaxy. Maybe Corn Flakes are humanity's greatest, longest-lasting legacy.
     I also wonder if that's why it's so effective to anthropomorphize animals as characters in children's books and cartoons. It makes normal things seem hilarious. For example: if a human with a speech impediment and rage issues walked down the street wearing only a shirt and no pants, he'd be locked away. But a duck? Comedy gold. And would Wile E. Coyote be nearly so hilarious if he was just some sap who continued to injure himself with untested explosives? Probably not. Of course, there's the Three Stooges, so I guess slapstick is funny no matter what the species.
     Anyway, I'm getting a bit off topic, but here's the comic. I start to get into storylines that I think are actually funny here, especially with the GOOs (what I call the Great Old Ones). I generally like these ones better; maybe, as mentioned above, because they're the nonhumans. Because when Cthulhu is a drunken lout, it's funny. When it's your uncle at your birthday party, not so much.

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